OM Metals and Engineers, Company is involved in Manufacturers, Designing, Supply of Dairy Projects
About Company
Innovating Dairy & Process Solutions
OM METALS AND ENGINEERS, an ISO 9001:2008 Company is involved in Manufacturers , Designing, Supply, Erection and Commissioning of Dairy projects , Food Processing Projects and Ice Cream Plants, Cheese Plants , Pannier Plants, Dahi Plants, as on turnkey basis as well as Designing, Supply, Erection and Commissioning of Refrigeration System, Cold Storages Insulated Vans, Road Milk tankers, and, Since 2004 and having more than 75 Projects installed in India.
We provide the cost effective solutions for our project from concept to commissioning and rapidly deployable solutions for high quality end products and Service Facilitty.
Our Products Range
Om Metals & Engineers
OM Metals and Engineers, Company is involved in Manufacturers, Designing, Supply of Dairy Projects
Om Metals & Engineers Plants for processing Liquid milk, Flavoured milk, Yoghurt, Ghee, Butter, Pneer, Cheese , Sweetened Condened Milk, Milk Powder, etc.
ISO 9001 Company / CE Marked More Than 1000 satisfied customers Excellent Sales & Services Network throughout India & abroad
Our Plants
Om Metals & Engineers
We Supply Everything For Dairy...